Jinzhou Li

I’m a Visiting Research Student at the Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies (CFCS) in the School of Computer Science at Peking University, supervised by Prof. Hao Dong.

I completed my master's degree at Cornell University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Maha Haji. Additionally, I had the opportunity to work with Prof. Daniel Hastings , and Prof. Rui Liu. Prior to this, I studied Computer Science & Information Systems at the University of Vermont and Johns Hopkins University.

profile photo

Photographed in Maryland, 2022


My objective is to develop robots with human-like dexterity that can operate effectively in diverse environments, such as homes, hospitals, etc. My research interests include robot learning, dexterous manipulation, representation learning.

* Equal Contribution

Canonical Representation and Force-Based Pretraining of 3D Tactile for Dexterous Visuo-Tactile Policy Learning

Tianhao Wu, Jinzhou Li*, Jiyao Zhang*, Mingdong Wu, Hao Dong
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025
arXiv, website , code

We propose novel 3D tactile data representation and force-based pretraining to enhance dexterous manipulation learning.

HGIC: A Hand Gesture-Based Interactive Control System for Efficient and Scalable Multi-UAV Operations

Jinzhou Li, Mengsha Hu, Lei Xu, Yibei Guo, Rui Liu
International Symposium on Multi-Robot & Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2023
Poster Presentation
arXiv, code

We propose a hand gesture-based interactive control system for efficient and scalable multi-UAV operations.

Robotics Project

Multi-Fingered Hand with Integrated Tactile Sensors

Zhengxiao Han, Jinzhou Li

We redesigned the dexterous hand based on the Leap Hand, enabling it to be equipped with tactile sensors. Special credits to Zhengxiao!!!

Multi-Operator Control and Human Response: Understanding the Diverse Emotional Reactions to Swarm Behavior

Jianyi(Jackie) Yao, Jinzhou Li
ECE 6680 Final Project, 2023
advisor: Kirstin Hagelskjaer Petersen

We focus on the challenges and potential of integrating multiple human operators with swarm robotics systems.

Effects of Greeting Gesture on Robot Acceptance

Jinzhou Li, Jiayuan Fu, Yunting Yan, Yichen Guo
CS 6754 Final Project
advisor: Prof. Guy Hoffman
Hardware: Hello Robot Stretch RE1

We study how nuanced social behaviors in robotics impact acceptance. Politeness in robotic interactions is crucial in settings with social etiquette.

System Research

Hybrid Agent-Based Model and Discrete Event Simulation to Optimize AUV Fleet Operations

M.Eng Research Project
advisor: Prof. Maha Haji

Develop an agent-based model and discrete event simulation to co-optimize the operations of a system of systems comprised of autonomous servicing platforms (PEARL), LEO satellite constellations, and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).

System of Systems Concept for Effective Oceans to Near Space Observation

M.Eng Research Project
advisor: Prof. Maha Haji (Cornell) & Prof. Daniel Hastings (MIT)

Develop an agent-based model to find the best dynamic combinations depending on the choice of objective function.

Professional Activities

  • Conference Reviewer: ICRA 2024, 2025

Oct, 2024.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website.